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Math 219: Solving Industrial Problems

In spring 2019, Prof. Nathan Ryan (Mathematics) debuted a new course, MATH219: Solving Industrial Problems. The course was developed out of a grant he received from PIC Math, a program funded by the Mathematical Association of America and the National Science Foundation with the goal of preparing students for careers by engaging them in research problems that come directly from industry. The course divided students into project groups, each having a real-world client with a specific problem to be addressed. Janine Glathar, GIS Specialist for Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship, co-taught the course with Professor Ryan, working with 2 of the 3 […]

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Kittiwake Foraging, Microclimate & Reproductive Success

Prof. Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks and her student researcher, Mae Lacey, spent summer 2017 researching the foraging and reproductive habits of Kittiwake birds nesting in a research tower on Middleton Island in the Gulf of Alaska. Prof. Benowitz-Fredericks contacted DPS with an interest in visualizing GPX (or ‘tracking’ data) she collected to show the foraging patterns of birds in her study. By comparing the distance and duration of foraging trips for the Kittiwake birds in the study, Prof. Benowitz-Frecericks hopes to learn more about the impact of climate change on this species of birds. Her research student Mae Lacy is doing a […]

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