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Latinx Twitter

A network diagram from TAGSExplorer showing Twitter relationships

In the summer and fall of 2017, DP&S worked with Professor Elena Machado and Tucker Leighty-Phillips (English ’18) on a project that compared the social media use of 43 Latinx writers and artists. In the late spring, Machado and Leighty-Phillips used TAGS–a free Twitter archiving tool–to generate Twitter archives for the identified writers. In mid-June they opted to focus their analysis on the top 18 Twitter users. Later, the archives were downloaded, cleaned, and brought into Voyant as a corpus for analysis. Leighty-Phillips focused his analysis on the use of the word Love across 6 writers. Machado focused her work on a comparison of Lin Manuel Miranda’s use of Twitter as a space for affective labor and connecting with his followers as compared to the activism of other writers.

Project: Latinx Twitter
Faculty: Elena Machado
Student: Tucker Leighty-Phillips
DP&S Liaison: Emily Sherwood
Date: Fall 2017

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