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AACSB Assessment Limited Podcast Series

Vanessa Hill editing and recording in the Bertrand Library Podcast Studio.
DP&S Liaison(s): Wes Bernstein
Primary researcher(s): Vanessa Hill, Wes Bernstein
Date: Summer 2023 – Fall 2024

Vanessa Hill worked with DP&S to produce the AACSB Assessment Podcast Limited Series. Over four episodes, Vanessa explores her College’s understanding of the Freeman College’s vision. Presented through multiple interpretations of their college’s Mission and how they shape curricular and extracurricular priorities. She uses her love of pop-culture references to discuss the challenges resulting from different perspectives on what should be done to realize their mission and learning goals and through the medium of podcasting, Vanessa boldly goes… to a projection of her and her college’s assessment process for the next 5 year cycle.

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